6 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Apr 7, 2015 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | Study Tips

Do you have trouble memorizing information? Many students struggle with memorizing information. There are many strategies that can improve your memory.  Learning to improve your memory will help increase your grades, improve comprehension and improve study habits. Implementing memorization strategies can make learning easier, improve accuracy and enhance recall. The following strategies can be used independently or in tandem with another strategy.

student on computer

Mnemonics is an excellent strategy to help with memorization. It refers to simplifying more difficult concepts into language that will help you remember the information. There are a variety of mnemonics you can use from music mnemonics, expression or word mnemonics. The rhythm and rhyme of mnemonics makes memorizing concepts so much simpler.

Connect Material:
When learning new information it is important to connect the material so that it relates to you. Personalizing the concepts or materials will make the learning process more meaningful and will improve your memory and will make recalling the information effortless.

Visualize Concepts:
Visualization techniques is a beneficial learning strategy for all learners. Transform information into charts, pic collage and diagrams. The more elaborate and colorful the visual aids are the more your brain will recall them.

Teach Concepts to Others:
Once you have a solid understanding of the material, teach it to others. Teaching the concepts to others will deepen your understanding of the material. This method will challenge your understanding of the material which will improve your memory and recalling skills.

Avoid Cramming:
Avoid cramming the information by studying more over longer periods of time. Cramming information increases stress which reduces your chances of memorizing the information. Memorizing and recalling information occurs best with more repetitive study segments.

Read Information Aloud:
Studies show that reading aloud helps improve memory and recall. As you read the information aloud record yourself. This will allow you to replay the information which you can listen to as you are in the car, walking or just about doing anything. The more you read and listen to the information, the more you will be able to memorize it.

These strategies are designed to improve memory, increase retention of information and boost recall. Try these strategies and discover which works best with your learning style. Once you uncover the memory strategy that works best for you, learn it and master the technique so you improve your overall memory for academic success.

Do you have another memory strategy that works for you? 

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