My Child is Struggling in School… What Should I Do?

Jan 20, 2020 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | Advocate for Your Child

I hear this question quite often, “My child is struggling in school, what should I do?  

As a parent it is such a horrible feeling to see your child struggling academically. We need to support our children during these challenging times. Many parents delay reaching out to the teacher when they see their child struggling until the struggles become greater. I recommend to my clients that to reach out to the teacher as soon as possible. Often times parents are unsure on how to initiate the first step in getting their child the help they need.

My Child is Struggling- Here is What To Do: 

Parents Know Their Child Best: Write down your child’s strengths, also write down the areas that they struggle in. Be observant during homework time and write down your observations. This will be important to share with the classroom teacher.

Develop an Open Communication with the Classroom Teacher: It is important to keep an open and positive line of communication with the teacher. You and the classroom teacher should create a TEAM partnership for your child’s success. Promoting a positive rapport with the teacher will create a positive learning environment both at school and at home.  Be sure to schedule a time to speak with your teacher to share your concerns. Ask to meet with any specialist teachers too if you feel this would be helpful.

Keep Records: Make certain you keep record of all communication with the teacher. This will help if you need to follow up with the teacher in the future or if your child needs extra support from a tutor or school specialist.

Academic Support: If you feel your child is not progressing at a normal pace,  you will want to consider providing additional academic support for your child. You can inquire to see if your school offers in-school support such as a resource room or you can get a private tutor to come to your home.

Stay Positive: It is important to be positive during this difficult time. Positivity will help foster resiliency and create a foundation for a growth mindset.  A positive mindset, resiliency and perseverance will be the tools your child needs to succeed during this difficult time.

Getting the support your child needs when they struggle is vital to their academic success. Parents are children’s best advocates! Support your child and know how to help get through their academic rough patches!


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