3 Simple End-of-Year Tips For School Success

Dec 10, 2019 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | Back To School, Focus, Homework, Note Taking Techniques

December is a great time to set new goals and prepare for new beginnings in the upcoming year. It is also a great time for a fresh start.

This fresh start can apply to adults and students as well.  It’s a great time to sit with your child and evaluate what’s working and what needs more attention.

Keep reading to learn our 3 simple end-of-year tips that can help jump-start the goal-setting process for school success.

Tips For Your Elementary School Student

Parents, it’s important, especially at this age, to take an involved role in your student’s educational goals so your child can reach optimal success!

  • Homework Zone: Begin by asking yourself these questions. Is our homework zone clutter-free, well lit and organized? Do we have all needed materials to minimize the distractions of looking for supplies? Make sure your supply bin is well stocked with pencils, crayons, scissors, scratch paper etc.
  • Study Skills: Knowing your child’s learning style is most important. Is your child a visual, auditory, kinesthetic learner? Knowing how your child learns best is vital. For example – if your child needs lots of repetition you may want to practice their math facts using flash cards, play a game using math facts, or playing a round of hangman using math facts. Variety is the key to making study time fun and successful for your child.
  • Communication: Talk with your child’s teacher about any concerns you may have regarding their study habits, school work habits, etc.  Also, speak with your child about their learning. Ask them what they enjoy most about learning, what do they find a bit challenging, etc. You will be surprised how much you will learn from them!

Tips For Your Middle School or High School Student

As children get older, they do become more independent, but as a parent you should still make sure they have the right tools to be successful. Provide them with the questions below and encourage them to practice some self-reflection going into the new year.

Female student taking notes from a book at library.

  • Homework Time: Ask yourself these questions. Are my current homework goals working? Can I do a better job with my homework time? Does my homework area have all that I need so I am focused and organized during homework time?
  • Study Skills: Take an inventory using some self-reflection. Are my study habits effective?  Can I make my note taking more effective? Are my notes neat and organized? What can I do to make my study time more productive? Remember, it’s about the quality of your habits!
  • Communication: Am I communicating well with my teacher? Should I ask more questions in class? Can I facilitate a better student-teacher relationship that will build success?

I hope these tips can help with your new goal setting and to give you a head start for a successful 2020! Do you have any ideas that can help more parents and students?  Please share, we would love to hear them!

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