6 Activities To Do During Winter Break

Winter break from school is here, this is an optimal time to rest and recharge. Did you know that taking some down time during the winter break can set you up for a success for the New Year? Here are 6  activities that will help you decompress from a stressful and over scheduled first half of the school year. 

Photograph Your Surroundings: Grab your camera and take pictures of nature or in our neighborhood. Seeing things through a camera lens will open your eyes to a new perspective. 


Social Media Break: Take a break from social media. That’s right, stop scrolling on your social media feeds. This is a great time to take a digital detox! This allows your brain rest and the effects of a digital detox include improved moods, and better sleep. What a great way to reset during your break! 


Family Movie Time: Plan a movie night with your family. The downtime with your family is a great way to destress and relax. 


Bake and Share: Spending time in the kitchen is not only fun but it’s a great way to spend time with the family and it’s educational too! 


Practice Meditation: Did you know that meditation improves your concentration and your mood? Take 5 minutes to meditate and enjoy some calm time. 


Sleep In:  Be sure to turn off your alarm and enjoy the rest and sleep in. Be sure to Turn off your alarm so you are not awakened early. Enjoy your rest! 

School can be overwhelming and stressful. Winter breaks are a great time to reset and recharge. These moments of recharging and resetting will help give you a fresh start in the new year. What do you have planned during your holiday break? 

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