5 Tips To Make Back To School Less Stressful

back to school

Start Preparing for School 4 Weeks in Advance!

Transitioning back to school is hard for everyone, even parents.  Kids find it difficult to get back into the routine of early mornings, structured days, and the homework responsibility that school brings. Parents are no different; as parents we find it challenging to get back into the routine too.

back to school

Transitioning back to school can be successful with the right plan! Here are 5 tips to help make the going back to school process easier and more manageable.

#1. Go Back To School Shopping: (4 weeks prior to start of school)

school supplies

Make sure to get all your back to school shopping done well before school begins. Buy extra supplies for your home too so you are never in a bind during the school year. Designate a place in your home that will hold all the extra school supplies so your child knows where to find them when needed.

#2.  GET Organized: (3 weeks prior to start of school)

This is super important. Begin organizing your home for back to school. Do you have a designated landing area in your home for bookbags, shoes, lunch bags, etc.? Make sure this area is organized and clear. Another area to organize is the place where school mail will be placed. Where will your child’s school communication be located? Organize it and label in a method that works for you.

#3. Adjust Bedtime and Wake Up Time:  (2 weeks prior to start of school)


Staying up late and sleeping in is one of the joys of summer; however, it is important to get your child’s body used to going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. I would suggest changing the bedtime hour about 2 weeks prior to school starting. This allows plenty of time for kids to get acclimated to the earlier bedtime and wake up time.

#4. Establish a Breakfast and Lunch Menu: (1 week prior to start of school)

Create a few “staple” breakfast and lunch menu options for your child. Make sure they are healthy and easy to make. Having this planned out prior saves time and reduces stress. Consider posting your weekly menu as a reminder to all.

#5. Develop a Morning Routine for Success: (1 day prior to start of school)

Try to prep as much as you can the night before each school day. Select the clothing, pack your lunch and snack, check homework, make sure all items are in your bookbag are ready near the door. Planning ahead will save time, reduces stress, and create a more relaxing morning.

Transitioning back to school is not easy for kids or parents. However, establishing a plan can make the transition back to school less stressful. Adjust the tips to fit your family needs. Focus on making this back-to-school time enjoyable and stress-free!

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