Which assessment is best for me: ACT or SAT?

Feb 23, 2012 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | Math, Reading, SAT Prep, Teaching

Deciding whether to take the ACT or SAT test can be stressful, however it can also be a simple decision. The SAT test assesses critical thinking skills. The questions tend to be on the wordier side and can cause students to lose focus on what is being asked. If you are a critical thinker, this test is challenging and would be a great fit for you. If you are not a critical thinker, you are not alone! The ACT, inversely, assesses the knowledge of subject matter. The questions are more straight forward and it is written more along the lines of a test taken in school. Students tend to be more familiar with this format and have less anxiety about taking this test. However, science is a component of the ACT which students are not familiar with taking a standardized assessment on this subject therefore this section tends to cause students a bit of anxiety. Once students begin to review for the test, they realize that the science section is not necessary recalling numerous facts rather it is interpreting graphs and charts and comprehending science based passages, they become more comfortable with the test.

When deciding which assessment is best for you, take an hour or two and head to your local bookstore or library. Take a look at both an ACT review text and a SAT review text. Try a few problems from each section out of both books. Which questions were you more confident answering? Which questions made you feel uncomfortable or anxious? This will allow you to get a feel for each test and help guide you in the correct direction. Money comes into play when registering for both the SAT and ACT tests, but if possible, consider registering for both at least once. This will allow you to get a deeper feel for which assessment is best for you. Statistics show the average high school student takes the SAT test at least twice, some taking it more. Allowing yourself to deeply understand the two assessments and find the best fit is arming yourself with the best ammo to achieve your goal score when applying to your top school.

Blog submitted by Meredith Mathers, Team Tutor Test Prep Specialist

For help with the SAT, visit our SAT Prep Page. For help with the ACT, visit our ACT Prep page.

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