Teaching Kids About Violence

Team Tutor family joins the nation in expressing our sadness at the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this horrific event. We put together some strategies and helpful tips to help guide you when talking with your children about violence.

Try to keep routines as normal. Kids need the security of their daily routines, including attending school.

Monitor exposure to the media.

Be open and honest with your kids and share as much information as they are able to handle.

Promote open communication. Allow kids to share their fears and worries with you.

Control your own stress and behavior. Kids often follow their parents’ lead when it comes to behavior. Model the behavior you want your children to exhibit.

Here are some additional resources that may be helpful during this time.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

 Crisis Management Institute

National Association of School Psychologists

 American School Counselor Association

Do you have any other suggestions that can be helpful for our children? Please share your thoughts.

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