Reduce Test Anxiety

Feb 27, 2013 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | MidTerm Tests, Study Tips, Test Prep, Testing

Most students experience some level of stress when taking tests. However for some students the anxiety that comes with taking tests is so severe that it can impede their performance. Anxiety can make focusing and recalling information very difficult for some students.

We put together some TIPS that can help prevent or reduce test anxiety:

Preparation is KEY: Make sure you know your material. Be sure to set enough time aside to study. Cramming material will only make the anxiety worse.

Read the Directions Carefully: Be sure to read the directions carefully, if you do not understand them ask the teacher to explain.

Pace Yourself: Skim over the test, sometimes answering your easy questions first will give you the confidence you need and it will also give you more time to spend on the more difficult questions.

Think Positively: Believing in your ability is important. When you start feeling stressed about the test, say to yourself, “I can do this.”  (Science shows that positive thoughts initiate brain activity that prompts it to work more effectively. )

A Healthy Breakfast is Important: Eat a healthy and nutrition rich breakfast. This will give your brain the energy it needs  to focus.

Does your child suffer from test anxiety? How do you help your child overcome this?


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