Teach & Tutor Cautiously…

When working with kids we need to be cautious as to how we approach their individual academic needs. The last thing we want to do is overwhelm them or stress them out!

Let me share with you a story that the mother of one of my student’s recently shared with me regarding her son’s report card conference. My student, let’s call him James, attends 2nd grade at an affluent suburban school in the Philadelphia area. At the conference the teacher tells mom that James is an excellent student, he actively participates in class, he’s strong reader and he excels in math – in fact he scores about 90% in accuracy on the majority of his math tests. The only concern the teacher has is James’ fluency in math – he does poorly on timed tests. The teacher tells mom that he must increase his fluency!

Here’s the problem – James feels so much pressure to complete these tests in such a short time that he freezes and is only able to answer a few questions. In spite of the fact that James already feels this immense pressure, the teacher tells mom to practice fluency with him daily. As recommended, James’ mom goes home and begins the task at hand. Again, James freezes up when mom administers “practice tests”. She tries all the teacher suggested tips and tricks, but day after day he struggles and soon begins to give up. He says things like “I’m stupid, I will never get this.” He feels like he is failing!

James’ mom gives him breaks, plays games with him and changes the practice scenarios so it isn’t perceived as work. She reaches out to the teacher for help and while she offers more ideas, she again stresses the importance of practicing his math fluency and getting him up-to-speed. Mom at this point is also feeling the pressure and the last thing she wants to do is overwhelm her son. She is not sure where to go from here.

So here’s my question – at which point do we as parents, teachers, and tutors draw the line? What constitutes a healthy normal amount of academic practice and what’s considered overkill? Shouldn’t our approach be to set appropriate educational goals and provide academic support without burning out our students/kids?

Any thoughts or suggestions as to how this mom and many others can approach this dilemma?

To learn more about tutoring in mathematics, visit our Math Tutor page.

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