Summer Book Party!

This summer, my girls and I decided to create an on-going book log to keep track of all the books that we planned to read. The four of us each set our own individual goals and got to work on our little summer project! The girls read diligently and recorded the book titles in their logs. They decided that when they reached their goal they would celebrate with a book party!

Well, we are now approaching the end of the summer and we are planning our book celebration party! My girls are so proud of their efforts this summer! They are each picking their favorite book and planning to take part in a “book show and tell” – where they will share their favorite parts of the story with the rest of the family and a few friends. They are currently busy finalizing the party menu, making decorations and sending out the invitations.

I am so proud of their efforts! I found it both inspiring and empowering to witness firsthand their excitement for this project and their love of reading.

How do you promote reading? I’d love to hear your ideas on how you foster a love for literacy in your home!

Happy Learning!

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