15 Questions to Ask Your Child While Reading NonFiction

Nov 21, 2016 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | Reading


Nonfiction texts are filled with tons of information and rich vocabulary. Students who read nonfiction texts will experience an increase in their knowledge about the world around them. Another added benefit in reading nonfiction texts is that it will boost their overall vocabulary.  Because nonfiction texts are so rich in advanced vocabulary, it is important to be sure your child is understanding what they are reading. Asking questions while reading nonfiction will help your child become a better READER! Here are 15 questions to ask your child while they are reading nonfiction.

15 Questions to Ask While Reading NonFiction Text:

1:  What is the main idea of the text?

2:  Do you know anything about this topic?

3:  Can you name 3 important details about the passage?

4:  What did you learn from the text?

5:  Is there any information that you was something you already knew?

6:  Are there any words that are unfamiliar to you?

7:  Do you know the meanings of these words?

8:  Where could you find more information regarding this topic?

9:  What questions would you ask the author about this topic?

10:  If you could rename the title, what would it be?

11:  Have you read any book similar to this topic? If so, what was the name of the book? How was this book similar? How was this book different?

12:  What pictures or illustrations did you find interesting in the text? Why?

13:  What facts did you enjoy learning most?

14:  Would you like to learn more about this topic?

15:  Did you like the text? Why or why not?

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