My Word of The Year Is Needed Now More Than Ever!

Apr 30, 2020 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | Parent Blogs, Parent Stories, Teaching

Every December,  I spend time reflecting on what will be my “word” for the following year. This December I had a very difficult time figuring out what my word would be. In 2019 my word was intentional. It was clear for me. I planned to live more intentionally. Everything I did and did not choose to do was led with intention. Our family had many discussions about living with intention and purpose.  I grew my business with intention and purpose. I loved that word! I felt so grounded and really saw a shift in both my personal and business worlds.

Rewind to December of 2019 and I really struggled on selecting my word for 2020. How could I top such a great word? As I took the time to process and discern what my word would be, one word kept “popping” up in my head and that was courage. I kept pushing it away time and time again. I thought, “that is NOT my word!” But every time I would try to think of a word, the word courage would come to mind. I decided to surrender to it and chose the word, COURAGE. Not sure how this would fit into my world but I decided to stick to it. Courage is my word for 2020.

Today, we are at the end of week 7 of isolation and courage is not only my word but it’s my reality. I lean on that word on a minute by minute, second by second basis. I need courage more than ever. Courage keeps me going during this time of uncertainty and fear. Courage keeps me focused on seeing all the silver linings during Covid-19. Courage keeps me pushing forward to save our family business, the very business I started from the ground up. Courage is what keeps me positive and showing my girls that we are going to be all right! Courage is what keeps me smiling and laughing with my husband, who is one of the most courageous humans I know. Courage is what is maintaining my joy during this difficult time. Courage is not only my word, it’s my superpower.

What is your word of the year? What is getting you through these difficult times?

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