Executive Function Resources for Parents

Sep 14, 2021 by Mary Kate | Homework, Learning Resources, On-line Learning, Study Skills, Tutoring

Executive function skills are mental processes that enable us to organize, plan, focus attention, remember directions and juggle a variety of tasks successfully. These skills are critical for learning and development. However, these skills do not always come naturally to all students. Many students struggle with executive function skills. Our team has put together resources for parents to help support their child’s executive function skills. 


What is Executive Functioning?

Not sure what executive function skills are? Understood.org provides a clear definition that clearly shows how these skills translate to school and academic success. 

Common Sense Education

9 Best Apps & Sites to Improve Executive Function

Common Sense provides a list of approved safe apps to help with organization and fun timers to help student’s stay on task working at home


Executive Functioning Skills Practice at Home

Curriculum Specialist, Kristina Scully, shares great suggestions to help students practice planning 


Metacognition: How Thinking About Thinking Can Help Kids

Metacognition is the practice of “thinking about how we think.” Childmind.org shows how parents can model self reflection to help build resilience with difficult assignments and help children determine what strategies work for them. 

It is important to remember that children are not born with these skills but rather they are born with the potential to develop and strengthen these skills. As parents we can help support our children at home by giving them the tools, resources and practice they need to strengthen these skills. If your child is struggling with executive function skills be sure to seek support from your child’s teacher. Partnering with an academic tutor that specializes in executive function skills can also support your child! You are not alone on this educational journey! Together we can support your child to be successful in and out of the classroom! 

Learn more about our study skills programs today!



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