Do You Know the Signs of a True Reading Weakness?

Oct 2, 2018 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | Academic Subjects, Dyslexia, Reading

Young student reading book in library

I think my child is struggling with reading. I am concerned about his reading skills. What are the signs of  a reading weakness?

Reading issues can be hard to detect for parents. Is your child reading on grade level? Is his lack of reading motivation a bigger issue? We put together a list of reading characteristics to help parents identify reading weaknesses.

Decoding Weaknesses:

Have you heard of dyslexia? Dyslexia is the most common reading disability. It refers to the inability to decode or break down words into phonemes (sounds). Decoding skills are essential to reading.

Signs of decoding weaknesses or dyslexia are:

confusion between letters and their sounds

slow oral reading rate (fluency)

reading without expression

difficulty sounding out words

difficulty recognizing words out of content

ignoring punctuation while reading

Reading Comprehension Weaknesses:

Comprehension refers to understanding the information that has been read. This involves thinking critically and being able to use context clues to understanding the text. Comprehension relies on the mastery of decoding and fluency.

Signs of reading comprehension difficulties are:

confusion about the meaning of words and sentences

difficulty connecting ideas in a passage

omitting details while reading

inability to identify important information from minor details

inability to concentrate during reading

Reading Fluency Weaknesses:

Reading fluency refers to the rate or speed of reading. It also refers to reading with expression; the ability to read rapidly, smoothly, effortlessly and automatically.

Signs of reading fluency weaknesses are:

reading slowly and with difficulty, both orally and silently

reading without expression nor with intonation when reading orally

difficulty processing more than one word at a time

decoding words sound by sound

the inability to self correct while reading; usually just reads to get through the text without going back to correct misread words

needing to reread text to get a better understanding of the material

If you think your child may have a reading weakness or disability, it is important to share your concerns with his or her teacher. Communicating with your child’s teacher is an important way to advocate for your child’s needs.

Do you feel your child has a reading weakness? Let’s talk. Contact one of our Educational Specialists TODAY and we can discuss your concerns! 

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