MidTerm Study Tips for Success

Jan 7, 2018 by Yolanda Fontanez-Coleman | MidTerm Tests, Test Prep, Testing

Are you in the midst of midterm mania? If you answered yes, do not worry!  We put together 6 tips to make this time less stressful. Use them all or pick a few. Good luck and let us which study tip worked best for you!


Understand the Mid-Term: Do you know the format of the test? Will it be open-ended questions, multiple choice? What chapters and themes will be covered in the test? Make sure that you fully understand the format of the test and what is going to be covered on the test. Be certain to speak up and ask your teachers any questions that you may have regarding the test!

Create a Study Schedule: Know the mid-term date. Make a study schedule up to three weeks prior to the test for each subject. Studying a little every day is more effective than cramming for the test in one night. Planning out your time in advance actually keeps you more focused and actually frees up more of your time for other things.

Form a Study Group: Create a study group. Your group could be with one friend or a group of friends. Study groups should focus on open discussions about the study material or generate questions so you can quiz each other. It is helpful to work in groups or with a peer so you can compare notes and lectures.  Incorporating different types of study sessions can be beneficial for all types of learners.

Implement Effective Study Habits: There are many ways to study for your mid-term. Here are some effective study tips. Which one works best for you?  Rewrite your notes, and review your notes a little every night. Use flashcards for important facts, vocabulary and dates. Listen to recorded lecture notes. Use color pens, post-it notes. Study in a quiet, well-lit location. Limit the distractions so you can FOCUS. Take breaks no longer than 20 minutes long. These breaks can reenergize you and can keep you focused during longer study sessions.

Quick Tips Leading up to the test! Get Plenty of Rest and Eat Well.  This is very important!! You need to be well rested so you can focus on these lengthy tests. You will function best when you are well rested and have eaten balanced, nutritional meals.

DAY of Exam Tip: Relax and Think Positive! You have worked and studied hard for the mid-terms. You are ready and you will DO YOUR BEST!


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Cerrajeros Tavernes Blanques
Cerrajeros Tavernes Blanques
5 years ago

Thank you for the advice I think it is very important to follow and maintain a good study routine.

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